Sunday, April 09, 2006

Savior, teacher, friend and... oh yeah, lord!

I'm really seeing a need to grow in the reality of Jesus Christ as my Lord. I can belt out a good "Lord I Lift Your Name on High" with the best of 'em, but in moments of clarity it's apparent that I don't want to be beholden to anyone.

I grew up in a generation where even the president had to resign his job and the nation was licking its fresh wounds over a mismanaged war. The concept that everyone is flawed wasn't a startling revelation to my classmates and I, it was just the way we always saw the world. Why follow someone when they are just as confused as everyone else?

Another characteristic of my generation is that we can get what we want without answering to anyone... If I want a cheeseburger at 3 am, I can drive over to McDonald's and get one. I can pause live TV on my DVR. I can even get custom imprinted M&Ms with I-F printed on them!

Savior, teacher and friend are great, but Lord infringes on my self-obsession!

1 comment:

Tara Lamont said...

How true it is that friend, teacher and savior are so easily understood and accepted. The Lord part is the challenge for most people to either accept or deny Christ altogether. I pray that I'm up to the challenge of handing over my life and allow Christ to be my Lord as well.