Tuesday, May 31, 2005



Last night I thought my head would explode-
but sleep and excedrin seemed to break it's tight hold.
Feel my relief.

Morning light, blurry dirfting sleep-
to day running like mad.
Feel my heart beat.

Eating and drinking as the rains' pouring down-
then sweating in the sun with my sunglasses on.
Feel my skin warm.

Walking into a hall, everyones' standing at the side -
stepping onto the center, people gather close by.
Feel my deep sigh.

Today I might think things are loss or in vain -
but tomarrow they could become new yet again.
Some things I can change and others cannot -
taking a step to flip them is better than not.
Hear my reply.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Lamont. You truly are the epitomy of a woman holding on. I mean, I have no idea how you manage to write such short, easy to read posts amidst blogging mosters. Do they shun you for your shorthand?

Hehe, just kidding, love you all.