Thursday, May 19, 2005


Heres a little something to clear out my writing cobwebs. Enjoy!


Anagram #1

T-ime fills up and empties out too fast. That is something I can't get past. Ticking, tocking and draining like grains of sand.
Wishing and wanting to hold onto it with my two hands. Time marches on, today's almost past. Live life to the full. Don't let it get past.

A-rt provides a place for me, with color and content - a kaleidoscope that's free. Free from limits and free from time. Art is only limited by my imagination and mind.

R-elationships with others: taking, sharing and supporting each heart. Important and precious, but perilous to start. Beginning again seems as possible as finding a four leaf clover that really works ... how impossible. Not starting is really the only impossibility. Relationships are like H20 to me.

A-ngles, direction and GPS. How do I know what way is the best? Prayer, petition, planning and pride - push me on to pursue what is muddled to find. I'll sit on these steps of the journey familiarly new, hoping to come to a place to renew. Reflect on the faces that were once all brand new, remember the lessons that have brought me to you. Rhyme, reflection and some revision help me take the next steps on my traveling commission

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