Saturday, January 31, 2004

Reflections on an altered state of consciousness

T-- and I had the pleasure of spending last week on a work-related retreat. It was a good time catching up with old friends, making some new ones, and reflecting on how we serve in the coolest organization in the world.

The organizers of the retreat were considerate to build in some free time throughout the week. T-- and I are adventurous sorts and love exploring new places. But then reality set in on our free afternoon. We were in Syracuse, NY. In January. In a wicked snowstorm.

At least the hotel had a pool.

I love being in the water. I don’t have to carry on a conversation deeper than saying “Marco” or “Polo”. I can’t plan a to-do list. I can't multitask. All I can do is lay back and by embraced by the liquid. I love the spell of displacement it casts. I shut my eyes to keep out the medicinal sting of the chlorine. Water flows inside my ears and muffles the sound of the outside world. I float around, not conscious of space, not conscious of time.


My head lightly bumps against the side of the pool, breaking me out of the water’s trance. I look out the window and see snow flurries chasing each other around in circles. I look up and see ice and snow on the skylight above me. Then I take a deep breath and surrender myself once again to the pool.

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