Thursday, October 21, 2004

Guilty Pleasures

I don't get too much opportunity to watch TV with two kids in the house. Sometimes I think all of our cable TV could be cut off with one exception - Nickelodeon - and no one would notice. I don't invest too much in new TV shows anyhow. With the exception of the ever-popular Simpsons, every new program I enjoy is dealt a quick death by the morons that program the networks. Remember Freaks and Geeks, Firefly, or Andy Richter Controls the Universe? Those were my favorite shows of each new TV season. It's as if I'm the black widow of TV fans...

Well, my latest favorite picks are Drew Carey's Green Screen Show and Cheap Seats.

Drew Carey's Green Screen Show picks up where Who's Line Is It Anyway left off. So many of the comedians followed Drew from ABC to The WB that one could easily assume that it's the same show. The big difference is that in this show the comedians are superimposed over cartoon and computer generated backgrounds. My family is split over the special effects: I think they're kind of distracting, whilst my son thinks they make the whole show. Still, I love improv and it's a nice half-hour diversion.

I discovered Cheap Seats one evening when I couldn't sleep. I was channel surfing and came across this show where there were comedians Randy and Jason Sklar riffing over an old episode of the Wide World of Sports. It reminded me a lot of Mystery Science Theater 3000, and for the first time in my life I actually watched the sports channel!

My apologies to the producers of Drew Carey's Green Screen Show and Cheap Seats. My glowing reviews have now cursed you. Expect to get a pink slip from your respective broadcasting companies by December at the very latest.

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