Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Take It When You Can

You have to appreciate the everyday blessings in life.
  • Lamont related to me how a teacher at school told her today, "You guys have done an excellent job with your kids. They're good kids." We really needed to hear that today. So often we feel sad about the things that are beyond our means to provide for them. It was nice to have someone notice their character rather than the labels on their clothes.
  • Work was deserted today, so I ended up having lunch by myself. I hit the drive-thru at Wendy's and cruised around for an hour. As I was driving up a winding country road I was suddenly struck by just how achingly beautiful it all was: the changing leaves, the big fluffy clouds, the hills, the sunshine, everything.
  • The finger-pointing squad is away on vacation, so I showed up for work in a nice warm sweater, comfy jeans and a pair of sneakers just because I could.

It's true. It is the little things that make life worth living...

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