Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Mood Music

I commute. A long way. I've spent the last seven months or so listening to just about every Book on CD that the Prendergast Library has had to offer. But summer is here and it's just not the same cruising down the highways and byways of Western New York with The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People blaring out of my speakers.

It's time for music.

Here's my top five picks for music that never fails to put me in a good mood:

1. Delirious - King of Fools
2. The Kinks - Village Green Preservation Society
3. The Soundtrack to Rushmore
4. Roxy Music - Avalon
5. "Pretty much anything by The Beatles"

So what music makes your commute go nicer? Leave a comment and let me know.

1 comment:

Ian Eastman, M.A. said...

It occured to me that I omitted the first City on a Hill album. Can't listen to that and remain in a bad mood.

Dave Brubeck Quartet's Time Out is something that I have rather enjoyed, too.