Sunday, July 10, 2005

Table Fellowship

Lamont and I went to a cookout last night with twenty of our friends from church. It was nice to spend some time with them with no other agenda than just "hanging out." Today we're doing a fundraiser dinner at church and Lamont went for extra credit for buying tickets for my extended family. It must be the weekend for eating and talking.

It's got me thinking... I think there would be fewer problems in the world if more people ate together. People may disagree about finances, lifestyles, politics, but pretty much everyone can agree that chicken tastes delicious and that pecan pie is a good idea.

Maybe fast food isn't just physical malnourishment, but spiritually and emotionally debilitating as well.

Read the Gospels and notice how many events (and miracles) take place around food. For instance, what churches now call communion started as a Passover dinner that Jesus threw for his friends in a rented banquet room. The first miracle took place during a wedding reception, for Pete's sake.

Start world peace -- invite someone over for dinner tonight!

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