Saturday, September 03, 2005

Lamont's dream

I had a weird dream this week that our family had moved into this huge house that never seemed to end. Only the property was plunked down in the middle of a brownstone development. All the neighbors had this huge housewarming party where they brought their favorite foods to share as well as gifts for me and my family. The whole dream had this "carnival' feel to it except I really was not into the whole experience - because people were bringing me things I diddn't want. Like week old lazagana, dead gold fish in a cruddy bowl, and a bunk bed set with torn up mattresses. I was freaking out as the stuff continued to pile higher and higher.
I tried to escape outside, only to find my Pastor setting up in the yard with a huge amout of sound equipment gearing up to do an outdoor church/welcome service.
I was getting soaked by the sloshing water inside of the deceased goldfish inhabited glass dome, as I climbed up a spiral staircase that led to a high spanish style patio... and I woke up.

Let me know if you have any ideas about this one. I don't have a clue.


Anonymous said...

News from St. Bernard
A friend of mine sent me this account of her boyfriend's experience in St. Bernard Parish.
Just found your blog and wanted to say I love it! If you have time please stop by and see the latest on golf florida

Tara Lamont said...

If you know anything about who I am you would not post comments on how I can become a millionare, golf in Florida or add equity in my home. I would be happy to install my new linoleum floor in my laundry room by the end of September.