Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Sardonic Plague

"Abandon hope, all ye who enter here." For the plague has come to Experiment House.

Well, not so much of a plague really, but more like a flu. Actually, not so much a flu as a mild biological irritant. Think "The Caffeine-Free Flu", "The Flu Lite" or even "Flu Zero".

THE FLU has one barfing into a toilet at 3 am.
THE FLU LITE just leaves one mildly nauseated all the time.

THE FLU knocks you off your butt for a day or two.
THE FLU LITE just leaves one feeling slightly draggy all friggin' week, but not enough to call in sick or lay in bed.

THE FLU sets your ears, nose and throat on fire.
THE FLU LITE just gives you a little ache in the throat every time you swallow.

THE FLU gets you sympathy from friends and family alike.
THE FLU LITE gets you diddly squat, but keeps you in a constant state of irritation.

So everyone at Experiment House is sick right now, but not in a "singing the choir invisibule" sort of way. More like a "stuck in the dentist chair listening to the Starland Vocal Band" sort of way.

P.S. Plus J.D. won on Rock Star INXS and that hasn't helped our spirits, either.

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