Saturday, January 07, 2006

Cat and Mouse Game

We have a rodent problem at Experiment House. Every night a mouse gets into the same exact kitchen cupboard. Lamont responds with a variety of traps, each one more deadly than the last, but every sunrise we find the cheese gone and the trap unsprung.

This morning Lamont, dressed in leopard-print pajamas, discovered that the mouse had once again outwitted her latest scheme. Suddenly the whole setup struck me as funny -- the backfiring traps, the invincible rodent, even Lamont unknowingly representing a feline -- really, isn't the scenario something straight out of a thousand Tom and Jerry cartoons?

As this cat-and-mouse game continues Lamont better start wearing some protective headgear: I expect an ACME-brand anvil to fall out of the sky at any moment.

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