Thursday, February 23, 2006

Hamster in a Hammy Ball

Have you ever watched a hamster running around inside of a plastic hammy ball? I went to a "Curves-like" exercise spot yesterday and I had a preconceived notion that we would all be like a bunch of hamsters jogging around our own little areas moving from station to station at the pavlovian audio cue "Next Station". It was kinda like that, but the preconceived notion diddn't equal the end result.
I had fun - really. I got some exercise, I met some nice people and I really had a good time.
Maybe I underestimated the hamsters all along.

1 comment:

Ian Eastman, M.A. said...

I admire your discipline to go to the gym a few times a week. I got pretty winded the last time I was at the gym. The sad part was that I was still in the locker room.
