Saturday, July 31, 2004

Double Feature

It's been a lot of fun having B-- home from the Air Force. In what's quickly becoming a Friday night tradition, we just chilled out, ate pizza and watched old movies. We passed on our usual choice of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and went with the double feature of Things To Come and The House That Dripped Blood.

I only knew of Things To Come by its reputation, and have to confess that I really wasn't all that eager to watch a slow paced film from 1936. But I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. It rocked! Very fluid camera moves, great special effects (especially the dogfight sequence) and a fast paced story. I tried imagining what it was like to watch this in the thirties -- what a spectacle -- it must have been The Day After Tomorrow of it's time. The story runs a little out of steam as mankind moves into its utopian existence, but the first 2/3 is impressive. (Although B-- and I couldn't figure out for the life of us why someone would want to start a revolt because of "progress." Anyone have any ideas?) It's a shame that the film has fallen into the public domain. This is a film that deserves a better presentation than the awful print used to make the DVD!

Our second feature arrived in the mail today: The House That Dripped Blood. I had a full house for this one -- my wife and kids, B-- and D--, a guy from church. I'm not sure what they all thought of it -- after all, Amicus Films are an acquired taste. But they seemed to enjoy it well enough. Me, on the other hand -- I love British horror flicks, no matter how corny or implausible they get.

Well, B-- isn't off to college for a few more weeks -- hopefully we can get a few more double features in before then!

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