Saturday, November 06, 2004

Not Your Typical Jim Carrey Movie...

...And thank goodness for that! We had a smaller group of friends over than usual last night: It was T--'s birthday and M-- hit another deer with her car. With only K--, A-- and D-- present we decided to forgo the traditional board games and watch a movie. Boy, I'm sure glad we did.

The film was The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind starring Jim Carrey. Usually his name on a DVD case is enough to send me running away from the TV set, but this must have been an alternate universe Jim Carrey, as he actually put in a good performance and didn't bend over and talk out of his butt. Not even once!

The story is actually pretty simple, although its execution is anything but. Girl meets boy. Girl and boy have fight. Girl erases memory of boy. Boy erases memory of girl. Boy discovers what made girl so interesting in the first place. The narrative is shown in a nonlinear fashion, which confused a few people last night, but I thought it was a fun and innovative way to tell a unique story. The film opens up some questions about predestination and free will, and I was left wondering how many times the lovers would cross again; self-destruct again... It also begs to ask the question of the viewer: who would you erase from your memory if you could? Would it ultimately make a shred of difference?

I don't think I've enjoyed a film this much since Rushmore. If you're willing to try something a little different, The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is highly recommended!

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd

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