Monday, February 21, 2005

The Key To (Wasting) Time

Well, my daughter and I completed our long-desired goal of the Doctor Who 500, meaning we watched all 26 episodes of the Key to Time DVD boxed set in one weekend. Our reflections?

1. While it is possible to watch that much television in one weekend, it is not recommended!
2. Tom Baker made that series. No matter how pathetic the special effects, no matter how wobbly the sets, no matter how bargain-basement the monsters looked, Baker elevated the show into something special. Good luck, Christopher Eccleston -- you've got your work cut out for you!
3. Fan favorites like The Ribos Operation and The Pirate Planet left us kind of cold.
4. Serials that were considered turkeys like The Androids of Tara rocked. The much-maligned Power of Kroll had us all quite engrossed -- I don't know where they shot it, but it was one of the few locations the series used that was actually believable as an alien planet rather than a quarry in England.
5. The only thing that got us through the plodding six-part Armageddon Factor was our desire to complete the marathon.
6. This is the season that the show began its slide into farce, and it's all the poorer for it. Let's see the Hinchcliffe/Holmes Era in season-by-season boxed sets!

The Doctor Who 500 is not an experiment that we plan on repeating anytime soon -- but then again, I just got a Mystery Science Theater 3000 boxed set yesterday for my birthday, so is anyone up for another marathon?

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