Saturday, February 19, 2005

One Two Three Day Weekend

As I get older I find that I am having a harder time shaking the winter blues. I just want to feel the sunshine on my skin, the grass under my feet. I want to open the window for some fresh air. Some day I'm going to have to move out to the southwest.

With Lamont heading out of town for a retreat, the kids and I decided to spend our long weekend visiting my mom. No bringing work home, no comparing grad schools online, no agendas... Just a little time devoted to family, rest, and re-creation...

My daughter, H--, and I decided that this weekend was perfect for a pet project of ours we wanted to do for a long time: THE DOCTOR WHO 500. I can't remember how we coined the name, but the gist of it is that we're going to watch the whole 26 episode Key to Time DVD boxed set in one weekend. We've made it up to episode thirteen so far! Hey, it's important for a family to set and attain goals. Even if they're, well, kind of pointless...

I realize that we can't just watch TV all weekend. We discussed the need for alternate activities and chose eating. This isn't a hard activity to engage in at my mom's house. Although my mom is fit, trim and healthy and only shares her house with a cat and my niece who is hardly ever there, her kitchen is stocked as if she's waiting for Y2K and still wants to be able to throw a Superbowl party as the world slips back into the dark ages. We've already had chili, cornbread, peanut butter pie, french toast, sausage, hot wings, pepperoni balls, and cheeseburgers and we've only been here for twenty-four hours.

If this doesn't sound like a very productive use of time, well, it's not meant to be... My new job is going great, but the long commute on icy roads is killing me... I just decided to stop for a few days and chill out.

P.S. Does anyone say "chill out" any more? Or did that go out with Arsenio and no one told me?

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