Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The Fourth Estate Continues To Get More Impressive By The Day...

I watched 60 Minutes tonight because comic creator Stan Lee was on. Stan was whining about only making a million dollars a year off of his comic creations. But enough about that. The thing that really struck me was the wording of a question asked by the journalist:

"Do you feel like you got screwed?"

Is it just me or does that seem like a real casual way of speaking by a CBS newsman? Would that question have been worded the same way a few years ago? I doubt it. Here's my timeline of news speak with some speculation of where this increasing casualness will end up:

1985: "Do you feel that Marvel Comics has treated you fairly in regard to royalties owed you?"

2005: "Do you feel like you got screwed?"

2025: "F@ck#n' A! You dere b*tch or sumpin'?"

And I also predict that news anchors in the future will end all newscasts not with a "good night" but by flipping off the camera...

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