Sunday, December 11, 2005

An Old Fart's Musings About Today's Culture

I noticed that it's been almost a week since I last posted. Well, that's December for you! Between church events, bellringing, office parties, Christmas parades, shopping, school, and kids with the flu, Lamont and I can barely keep up with the pace of life, let alone carve out time to blog about it.

My son's cough seems to be getting worse, so I elected to sit out church this morning so he could stay home and rest. He's under a layer of blankets in the living room watching The Kids Next Door. I'm in the dining room tapping away at the keyboard whilst listening to Morrissey. Here are a few things I've been trying to process lately:

#1. R. Kelly's Trapped in a Closet. This song is making all the entertainment media's "best of" lists for 2005 and I can't figure out why. The first time I caught the song on TV I thought it was a really authentic parody of urban pop. I honestly expected Weird Al to pop out of the closet at the end. I still can't hear the song without laughing hysterically. Why is this song such a phenomenon? Put it back in the closet I say!

#2. Hot Topic Stores. Punk -- now manufactured for the masses!!! Going to the mall to buy pre-ripped jeans is just so wrong. Sid Vicious is rolling over in his grave right now.

#3. Hot Topic Stores -- Part Two. Honey, I appreciate the fact that you don't buy into the whole Britney, Jessica, or Christina pop-princess thing. But why do you think that wearing a dog collar is a more positive statement?

#4. The Emerging Church. It's all about authenticity, being real, and living out one's faith, right? I can't help but get a chuckle about the Emerging Church's worship of media, The Chronicles of Narnia being the latest obsession. Hello people -- this isn't any different from your parents' admiration of Anita Bryant, Pat Boone, Dean Jones, or any other Christian media connection of years past. Enjoy the movie, but don't think for a minute that the media machine can legitimize your faith and share it with the masses. That's your job.

#5. Coca-Cola, Inc. First they killed Josta, the best soft drink ever. At the end of the month they're going to do the same to my much-beloved Vanilla Coke. This is one consumer not singing in perfect harmony. So there!

1 comment:

g13 said...

no offense I.F., but i think the mega-church is the crew that is enamored with Narnia. didn't you hear that it's the best evangelistic opportunity of a lifetime?