Thursday, December 01, 2005

Pizza on Earth!

I was teaching a group of young children last night about being peacemakers. I went around the circle of k and first graders and asked "What is a way you can be a peacemaker?"
Some said things like, "No hitting my brother when he makes me mad." or "Share my favorite toy...". The most unusual reply came from a toe-haired 6 year-old boy. After I asked him how he could be a peacemaker he simply retorted... "Make a pizza."
I was puzzled with his answer and asked him how making pizza could help make peace.
"Well easy," he said, "pizza makers always make pizza."
Afer laughing (as politely as I could)at his reply, I suggested that maybe that making a pizza for someone and making the words "I'm sorry" with pepperoni would be a great idea. All the kids shouted "Yes!"
The lesson was saved...the kids were happy that their answers were accepted...and I smile everytime I see the the seasonal phrase "Peace on Earth! Maybe Pizza on Earth would help too...

1 comment:

Matt said...

awesome story