Thursday, December 22, 2005

Travel Far Enough Left or Right and You End Up in a Big Circle

I think it was comedian Lewis Black who once did a bit about the ACLU having the worst public relations of any organization. They always waited until Christmas to get press and it was always related to shutting down a manger display.

This year the Christmas -- er, Christian Right seem to be following the same kind of public relations plan with the whole "Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy Holidays" thing. I'm a Christian and I've never taken the phrase Happy Holidays to mean anything other than what it means: be excessively happy for a few weeks.

Isn't Merry Christmas really saying the same thing? Merry and happy pretty much imply the same thing to me, and Christmas is really the period from Dec. 24 to Jan. 6 if you want to be totally retentive about it.

My heartful wish this Christmas is that the left and the right would just shut up and let the rest of us (i.e. normal people) enjoy the next few weeks in peace!

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