Saturday, December 03, 2005

Tiny tims needed - ASAP

I stood outside for about 3 hours tonight ringing a bell while collecting for the Salvation Army during our local towns Christmas parade and walk. Most people gave donations and smiled, but I was a little bothered by the gloomy number of folks that looked annoyed when wished a Merry Christmas. I even had on person tell me to "Shut up" while singing Jingle Bells. Wow. I didn't expect so many bah humbugs.

I sang louder.

I think I'll remember the little boy who toddled up to me - too young to talk and was perplexed by the gold bell I was ringing. His kind Daddy waited for him to shyly stare at the kettle of change and bills and focus in on the shiny metal bell I was ringing. I held it out to his thumbless mittened hand and he happily tapped the bell a few times and smiled as big as the whole world.

Some teenagers came up to me and started singing along. When I asked them to join us..they did and sang along for about 30 minutes in the freezing wind and snow.

A grandmother and grandaughter were taking in the event and the girl asked her grandma what we were doing ringing bells. She simply said, "That's the Salvation Army." She gently explained that the money we were collecting helped needy families and gave her a few dollars to place into our snow covered kettle.

I know that the bah humbugs are around - but thanks to all the tiny tims and tinas out there that made standing in the cold a bit warmer.

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