Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I am taking six teens to Camp Allegheny this coming weekend and I think (I pray) that everything is all in order and ready for the trip. I was worried about the number of students that could attend, if the camp would refund the money we sent for those who now can't go ( I just found out they will - whew!) , and if all the parents know all the details of the trip. Organizing my own life can be hairy enough at times - let alone life's details for 6 teens and all that comes along with being responsible for them for the weekend.

We've had some great hopes for the opportunity this weekend away provides for our group and the individuals that are attending. Time to grow spiritually and socially as well as the time to "unplug" from the regular burdens and duties from home.

I love the fluttery feeling I get in the pit of my stomach right before a decent road trip. Possibility, opportunity and adventure all tied up in the span of 2 1/2 days, 6 teens, 4 chaparones ( including me) and the new people and old camp friends that we will get to see.

Camp is a magical place - I wish I could take all of you with me!

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