Friday, November 03, 2006

Holy Clubs

I find that I am rather intrigued by the idea of group spiritual direction as described in Holy Invitations. This may be a nudge from the Spirit, as my personality preference is as introverted as they come!

It is possible to attend a holiness church week in and week out and never be challenged in our spiritual growth. We more often possess a belief in sanctification rather than its daily lived out reality. We need reminded that holiness is an experience that proceeded its doctrine.

I am no expert on the early Methodist movement, but I am impressed with what I've read. There is something powerful about a group of individuals who united around a common goal. I think a group of "Holy Clubs" devoted to seeking the presence of God would be transformative to the life of the church.

Rose Mary Dougherty is quoted in the text, "Members must agree to commit themselves to 1) an honest relationship with God; 2) wholehearted participation in the group processes through prayerful listening and response; and 3) opening their spiritual journeys to the consideration of others" (139). I know that I would benefit from this sort of interaction with my peers! And aren't these guidelines something the church could benefit from?

Confidentiality appears to me to be the biggest issue in group direction, but maybe that says more about me than the process! I also wonder how appropriate a group would be for the paid staff of a church—for instance, I can't imagine a pastor exploring a call to a different church with the group! There are other issues related to running a church that couldn't be discussed either and I wonder how effective a group would be with one or more members having to watch what they say!

I guess the question to ask concerning the need for group spiritual direction is, "When and where else can I share these longings with my brothers and sisters?"


Bakke, Jeamnette A. Holy Invitations. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thought provoking...

sparks an old longing in me...