Saturday, February 14, 2004

Psst, kid... The first one's free...

I just won a free song in the Pepsi/iTunes promotion! Okay, so it wasn't like I won the Publisher's Sweepstakes or anything, but I hardly ever win anything. (I once won a day-glo lunchbox at school and a copy of The Gospel Reloaded from the HollywoodJesus website. Other than that, I'm a real Schleprock!)

How cool. All I had to do was open up my iTunes player, click on the store and enter in the code that was printed inside the bottle cap. The store allowed me to search under artist, song title or album title, and even would play a 30-second preview of each song. After much indecision I finally settled on "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" by Jet. The song was even downloaded straight to my iTunes music folder, which is located on an external hard drive. This is why I love Apple -- they make everything so simple to use.

The promotion is pure genius. I'm an old-stick-in-the-mud that wants something tangible in my hands, like a CD and artwork, but the freebie convinced me to try the service. I'll admit it -- I'm hooked. The instant gratification of clicking my mouse and owning the song. Also, I could really grow to like the idea of picking just the songs I like, rather than sinking twenty bucks on a whole CD. (For instance, I would never have purchased the whole Jet album.)

I gotta tell ya: considering the ease of use, selection, and low price of 99¢ a song, Steve Jobs may have invented something that will prove to be way more addictive than crack!

P.S. The whole "tangibility" thing was an issue with me a few years back when I switched from traditional video editing to using a nonlinear system. It took me awhile to shake the anxiety of turning off a computer that contained my whole day's work without seeing the reassuring presence of a videotape on the shelf!

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