Monday, February 23, 2004

Purpose Statement

I had the opportunity a few years back to participate in a "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" seminar. After a lot of reflection, I finished the week by preparing a personal mission statement. It doesn't so much reflect "what I want to do" as much as "who I want to be." A yellowing copy still hangs on the wall of my office, and I still refer to it from time to time when I get overwhelmed at the craziness of life. Here it is:

I want to be a Christian without being religious. I want to unlock that dusty sanctuary and let God out. I'll follow Him around to find out what He does on the other six days of the week. I'm gonna set aside a little time each day to intoxicate myself on the Person that likes making stuff like the harvest moon, zebras, thunderstorms and funny people like me. I want to know what it all means.

Wisdom has all the answers, but she doesn't give 'em up until you catch her. I'll start running smarter... I'll search for her in places that I used to pass by with a dismissive look. I'll dig for the elusive needle-in-the-haystack even though I know it'll probably cut me when I find it.

You see, truth is both comforting and scary at the same time. Pleasure, pain, history, misery, joy, jazz -- there's something to learn and pass along in each one, so I gotta drink it all down. The nourishment will work through my system and give me the strength to act in accordance with what I've learned.

My purpose is to communicate discerned truth to people in a way that they can understand... Sometimes with words, sometimes with pictures, but mostly be the way I treat them... What they do with the message is up to them, but I can always pray.

Finally, will I know that I am successful when the choices I've made during the day allow me to go to bed at night with a clear conscience before God and people.

August 15, 2000

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