Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Suffern the Weekend Away Pt. 2

It just occurred to me that I never mentioned why I went to NYC in the first place. The obvious reason was that we were driving and being chaparones to a group of high school students and young adults who wanted to learn more about service in The Salvation Army. But the other reason was so T-- and I could devote some intensive time to exploring a call to full-time service. We already pastor a small church, but aren't ordained ministers. If we continue along this path, it's something that we'll have to take care of sooner or later. The two additional years of education would help, too!

Full-time Christian service isn't a career, it's a lifelong vocation. It's not something you choose out of a book of careers -- it's something that God chooses you for. The church talks a lot about the word "calling," which is more than common sense, or even desire to help people. A calling to ministry is an inner prompting from God to that specific work. So we took a few days to get away from all the busyness and noise of life to... listen...

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