Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Mister Golden Hair Suprise

I had a very odd exchange the other day with someone after church. Let me first preface this by saying that the person who spoke to me is very level-headed and never, never, ever says odd things. This person isn't a Pentecostal and isn't looking for the Age of Aquarius to begin. This person isn't on any kind of medication or has mental health problems.

Anyway, here's what the person said: "When you speaking this morning, you were surrounded by a golden glow. What does that mean?" It was like that old episode of Welcome Back Kotter when the girl tells Horshack that he has an aura. And Horshack goes, "Great! Uh, what's an aura?"

L-- followed the whole thing up on Sunday night by doing a comprehensive and scholarly investigation of all color-related supernatural phenomena. (Actually she just did a Google search for aura.) Here's what she came up with:

There are different kinds of auras that some people claim to see. They reveal things about a person's nature. A golden aura symbolizes the intellect and an awareness of spiritual nature. It's most often found in the auras of spiritual healers and leaders. (A red aura means you're hot-to-trot. Notice my friend didn't say anything about a red color anywhere around me.)

What does my new-found aura mean to me? Well, probably nothing because I can't see it. I'm not going to tell anyone at work about it until I feel like getting fired. I'm not going to change my name to Goldie. I'm not going to write a book called "Your Aura and You." I guess it's just one of those things that make me go hmmmm...

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