Monday, May 17, 2004

Review: Ghosts -- The Story of a Reunion

Adrian Plass is a well-known writer in his native England, authoring over twenty books. Until recently, his books have been unavailable in the United States. So I couldn't wait to dig into his latest novel, Ghosts -- The Story of a Reunion, to experience first hand what our friends on the other side of the pond have been enjoying.

A recent widower attends a reunion of his old church youth group -- people who, for the most part, haven't had much contact with each other since the late seventies. Spending the weekend in "the most haunted house in England" the friends come face to face with how much they've changed over the years and uncover some painful traumas -- or ghosts -- from the past.

A book written with gentle humor, compassion, and honestly, Plass shows a lot of insight into issues facing Christians without ever turning preachy or trite. Ghosts is a wonderful introduction to Mr. Plass and I'm looking forward to reading more of his books as they become available in the States. Recommended!

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