Monday, May 31, 2004

That Was The Month That Was -- May 2004

Today is Memorial Day. I'm typing away at my mom's iMac, not quite believing that June begins tomorrow. Where did the month go?

May was the month when I finally shook the depression and anxiety about the future that had been dogging me about the future. I guess I've developed a que sera sera attitude about my career, and am beginning to dream about what my future could look like if the rumored-changes at work occur. It also helped that I did something for myself -- I began a diet and have lost 20 lbs this month. My exercise program was a little less successful though, and I found myself laid up for a week with a bruised ligament which came from exercising on inadequate footwear and continuing to push on with daily walks and bikeriding when I was in pain. (A classic newbie injury.)

I spent an evening with J--, an old friend from my radio days, and his pastor. I shared my knowledge about website building and they returned the favor by talking to me about the house church movement, something I'm very keen on learning more about.

We did our first annual community meeting at work. I was really satisfied with an annual report I put together which ran in our local paper. I have to admit that it was nice to get a lot of positive feedback from my coworkers and people in the community. I was also assigned a PowerPoint presentation for the meeting itself. I pushed the envelope quite a bit on this and turned it into a music video with moody black and white photography that demonstrated our organization's work in the county. Both projects took a lot more time than I anticipated, but I ended up with two media pieces with which I'm really quite proud. I forgot how much I enjoyed hands-on media work!

Everything at church is going really well, with the exception of our finances! T-- and I introduced a some new small groups that really seemed to flourish this month. We also began a low-key meditative prayer meeting on Sunday evenings. We've had really small crowds, but the people that have participated have been really touched through the leisurely, intimate time spent in the presence of God. I hope to see this work grow in the coming months.

I've also begun to look out more diligently for my own intimacy with God. I continue to observe The Daily Office, which has been a means of grace in my life since February. I began participating at a local pastor's prayer meeting. I also participated in a Labyrinth experience at Mount Saint Benedict Monastery which quite moved me. I've been reading the book Soul Shaper and trying out different spiritual practices from church history.

Last evening I had a blast with the family and a friend of ours at the Park 60 Drive-In in Jamestown, New York. We watched Shrek 2 and Envy. Yes, it's almost impossible for five people to remain comfortable in a small car, and the drive-in's FM system and screen is crap, and it's way too expensive -- but c'mon it's a drive-in! It transcends it's shortcomings and becomes a fun experience of Americana!

This morning I participated in the Memorial Day parade and ceremonies in Jamestown, NY. I got to ride in H--'s 56' Dodge and did the benediction at the memorial service in Lakeview Cemetery. It was the most official and public religious duty that I've performed since beginning this work two years ago, and I couldn't help but notice the irony: just when I finally feel comfortable in the role of a pastor I may be losing the job at the end of this summer! (But I didn't feel bad about the realization.) The family and I then went to my mom's house in Warren, PA . I spent the rest of the day -- well, resting! I fell asleep around 2 pm and just woke up at 7 pm! Must have been my late night at the drive-in!

May was a month where I tried a lot of new things, met a lot of new people, and saw that the future -- whatever that may be -- is something good to be embraced.

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