Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Walking on Water

After spending a great deal of time working on my "kid's club" lesson for the week, I was pleased to have a good number of kids (and teens) participating in the singing, lesson and activities tonight. Our memory verse for the night was "Fix your eyes on Jesus" from Hebrews 12: 2A, so I made a giant pair of sunglasses and my team member plunked the verse under each cut-out lens for the kids to peek under.
When all was said and done - sunglasses embedded with too many stick on jewels, kids faces little hug stained, and hands full of whatever snacks we had on hand at the church - we were ready to go home.

When I drop off kids, I usually try to reinforce the lesson by asking questions, singing songs that we learned and so on. It isn't unusual for the kids to recite their idea of the scripture verse - and much of the time they really do well in remembering the information we pour into them for 1 1/2 hours every Wednesday.

On my next to last drop off tonight, I asked each of the four children in the house what the memory verse was. Kid #1 got the verse dead on. Kid #2 got the concept, but some words were switched about. Kid# 3 nailed the verse and the reference! Great, we're on a roll! Last but not least was little D. With all the enthusiasm I could manage to muster as I asked him, "D, what was our Bible verse tonight?"

With all the confidence of a five-year-old, he grinned and thought about my question for a moment. I repeated my question thinking maybe he hadn't heard me. He heard me just fine.

With sparkling blue eyes, fuzzy blond hair and a toothless grin - D exclaimed, "CHIPS!"

D cherish the blue foil package of potato chips he carried home from church, to his small house by the creek.

D never you worry, God has a lot of potato chips at his house.

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