Monday, January 17, 2005


I have a rather lengthy drive to work everyday, so I've quickly learned that audio books are the commuter's best friend. I recently listened to (and enjoyed) Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore. One thing I noticed about the book was that he would cite again and again his patients' dreams and provide analysis. This got me thinking: who really dreams like that? I mean, I dream once in a great while, and they usually turn out to just be crazy stuff like my Star Wars post a few days ago. I certainly never dream with the kind of detail and clarity that would allow someone like Mr. Moore to interpret it through Freudian Analysis or Archetypal Criticism.

Until I finished the book. Now I dream all the time. Here's my latest:

Lamont and I are working together in full-time ministry again. We're working at a huge megachurch that is a cross between Willow Creek, Oral Roberts University, and the 1964 New York World's Fair. It is our first day and a coworker is showing us around the sprawling campus. Every once in awhile he brings us into a room to meet our fellow pastors. These people all tend to come off like televangelists: big smiles, big hair and big ministries. In fact, their chapels tend to look a lot like TV studios. I remind myself to not judge by appearances -- that after all, the success of these people is undeniable by the number of people in attendance.

Our tour guide also takes us by other rooms that tend to have smaller-type ministries -- mainly liturgical-type stuff without as many people. This looks really interesting to me, but our tour guide isn't interested in introducing us. I'm also somewhat disturbed that all of these "ministries" are all church-related activities with nary a food pantry or practical help to be found. I mention this to my coworker, but he isn't interested in talking about it.

Finally, he takes us to the back yard of the church. It is a big field with old playground equipment. He tells us that our emerging church-type ministry is across the field and over the hill. My wife and I cross the field when we are pounced upon by lions and dinosaurs! We manage to tip over the sliding board, killing the t-rex that it falls on. We're exhausted, but we can't rest because the growling lions are approaching....

Gee, I don't have any issues, do I?

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