Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Flypaper and me

-I've been stuck in a funk for a while. Frustrated w/ work...wishing I felt as connected to the new place and people (like I used to feel in J-town) and tired of running around feeling as if I'm not accomplishing much. To make things worse, every time I see old co-workers they go on and on and on about how much they miss me, my abilities and wish I could return to the DV program. My homesickness only becomes worse, because I'm reminded what I loved about that kind of work.
But I'm not really sure that "going back" would be the best choice.
Who was it that said you can only go forward. I think I need to have a chat with them. So I'm stuck.

I'm homesick for part of my old job and terrific coworkers (love you girls!), it's the holiday season so I'm swamped at work, and the laundry is piling up as I type. Part of me wants to start over with everything and everyone - but I think I figured out what I'm missing. I need to get unstuck.

I'm going to make another change.

Today, I reapplied for financial aid and I'm renrolling @ Empire State College (off campus at JCC) late in the "fall" semester - I'm only 30 credits away from my BA....I must finish because I want to attend seminary after that.
I'm enrolling full-time and going to work full time. I have to be enrolled by the 6th of December to make the Fall financial aid cut off. So here I go.
Crazy, so crazy.
but I know that it's something I need to feel satisfied with myself.
I'm gonna kick this funk yet.
I'm trying to move forward and unglue my feet from the fly paper they've been stuck in for over a year.
I will get unstuck.

1 comment:

Matt said...

That is crazy...but cool.

I can relate to your first paragraph ("wishing I felt as connected to the new place and people...and tired of running around feeling as if I'm not accomplishing much..."