Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Kids Say The Darndest Things

Last night, my eight-year old son and I scrapped together the last bit of loose change we could find and ate a meager meal at Burger King. Afterwards I had to stop back at work because I forgot something. One of my coworkers still happened to be hanging around so I introduced her to my son. The rest of the exchange went something like this:

Coworker: So what are you and your dad going to do tonight?
Son: Hopefully get something to drink because my dad couldn't even afford to buy me a Coke because he's out of money!

This kind of outburst is very uncharacteristic of my son. Still, afterwards we talked about polite conversation, not saying awkward things to people, blah, blah, blah...

This morning I took him for his six-month dental appointment. The hygenist asked him about his sugar consumption. He slapped on his neon-glowing halo, cued the violins, and said in his best pitiful little boy voice: I occasionally have a glass of grape juice with breakfast. Sometimes I have a stick of non sugar-free gum.

The hygenist bought it. She may have even had a tear in her eye -- I couldn't tell through the eye-protection. And I came out looking like the Father of the Year, nevermind that my son drank enough pop to float a battleship last weekend and ate an entire warehouse of Hershey's products in the days following Halloween.

Later in the day it occurred to me that I was uptight with him last night when all he did was tell the truth. This morning I was relaxed because he lied. No wonder kids get confused!

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