Sunday, November 13, 2005

That Was The Week That Was

It's been a crazy and exhilarating week at Experiment House: My niece had her baby; Lamont sent a buck to its great reward via a 15 passenger van; The family stood in awe of a 1407.3 lbs grumpkin; I participated in an excellent strategic planning session at work; Watched the nightmare-inducing --And Now The Screaming Starts (thanks James); Rode along with the youth group to Camp Allegany to see a brass band from Asbury College; Encouraged a friend; Discovered a coworker has a love of all things MST3K and horror; Hosted a life-affirming spiritual formation group last night; and received the sad news from our vet that our thirteen year-old shepherd collie may not be long for this world. Now it's Sunday morning and I have to run to Wal-Mart to buy birthday gifts for my sister and niece before I go to church and all I want to do is just sit here with my dog.

So how was your week?

1 comment:

Matt said...

make a good country song anyways.

sorry 'bout your dog.