Thursday, November 10, 2005

I got my Buck!

Just when I thought my life couldn't get any more interesting...I was on my way home last night @9:15 pm... in the church maxi van (ie. tank).....with 3 teens in the back seat....When a 4-6 point buck leaped off the left side of the road and careened into my lane ... and me. SMACK!
I hit him @ 30mph at least...and then ran him over. I felt the sick thud (yuck) of his body hit ( under my feet on the driver's side)... and I pulled off the road to see if everyone was ok...we all were. WHEW!
But the grill and headlight of the van were rather screwed up.
Today my shoulders and back are sore from the impact...
weird fact though...did you know that your eyes can get sore and bloodshot from and accident like this? Neither did I... but I look like I have a nasty case of pink eye.
Oy -vey!
There were people that wanted to know afterward if we were ok. But my two favorite odd comments were....
'Did you save the carcass for meat" and
" What a waste of a buck."

I guess this proves the point that yes, Lamont... you are working in North Western PA, and people are more buck oriented than people oriented at times.


Matt said...

Congratulations on the buck anyways...

Ian Eastman, M.A. said...

Hey Lamont --

I guess THE BUCK stops here!!!