Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Dissapointed with lemonaid and brownies

I had a plan today. We all worked together to make it happen. It didnt' happen.

At least not the way I had thought.

I had an important person coming to help me with some home projects, so I made red beans and rice. Prepared tilaipia and breaded flounder. My hubby helped me put away the clothes that had taken over the dining room and he also helped me to make brownies. (This is the first time he's baked to my knowledge - so you know this must have been important).

The person arrived on time, observed the project I was finishing. I told them that dinner would be ready as soon as I finished, but they said, "Sorry, if I had known I wouldn't have eaten at Wendys."

I responded, "Well, Ian and I made brownies - I'll make coffee and you can relax for a few minutes."

"No thanks, I have Iced Tea in the car." he responded.

As you can imagine I was rather stunned. In fact I figured that I could set the food out as they worked on the least involved project on the front porch - and the food would be there, the lemonaid would be dancing irrisistably with several ice cubes in a tall cool glass and he surely would change his mind.

"Oh why don't you guys go ahead and eat, I'll just walk some measurements out on the front porch and I'll be on my way..."

The lemonaid didn't work and the tag team brownies held no leverage. He got into his car.

My son ran home from playing at the neighbors and was out of breath. He excitedly asked," If the company here yet?"

To my dismay and frustration ( with myself for not thinking faster), I said - " Oh honey he just went to leave, maybe if you run out right now you can catch him."

The eyes welling with tears and the redenss of my son's face told me that the company had driven away. He had just missed seeing him.

My son had woken up excited to see the company. He had helped me put things away ALL DAY to get ready for the company. He even helped plan what I would make for dinner - in case the company hadn't had a chance to eat dinner yet.

Dinner turned into tear fest. My husband tried to make light of the situation - but we were all so disappointed.

It's not even as if I had asked him to dinner beforehand, but don't you think you'd at least have a glass of lemonaid if it was offered? I know I would.

I let my son go watch a movie with the neighbor - as a way of distraction. I worked for now.

I even called and tried to set something up so my son could visit with the company tomarrow. It's all maybes and we'll sees.

I wish that either I communicated better so I knew what to expect and didn't end up drawing my kids hopes and feelings into situations like this. I wish I had a magic wand that would help "company" see or feel what we feel when they show up, make you feel connected and leave before you can pour the lemonaid.

I wish my Dad was less company and more , well Dad.

I love you Dad and I wish you would slow down to see all the people that love you -
I wish that you could sit and have a glass of lemonaid.

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