Sunday, August 06, 2006

Things just don't seem to fit

It's late and I should be working on homework, but I'm not. My mind is swimming in too many thoughts and feelings to concentrate on 100 year old poetry and novels.

I suppose some would say that I'm being too egocentric, or that I feel the world relvolves around me - It's not that either. It's just that things aren't fitting right now. (and I'm not talking about my jeans)

It may be that some friends are going "back to school" and leaving me at home, it may be the fact that summer is blowing past at lightening speed and I feel that I havn't had as much time with my family as I should, or it could be my own awareness of growing past some circumstances of my life.

I'm trying to be "content in all circumstances" - but it's hard when more than you're feet are feeling the pinch.

I think I need new shoes - in fact, I know I do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Given the previous posts, those wouldn't be rain boots would they? :)